Over the past few years, Internet users globally
have grown increasingly aware of online privacy
and security issues due to mass monitoring and
surveillance by government agencies, making
them adopt encryption software and services.
But it turns out that hackers are taking
advantage of this opportunity by creating and
distributing fake versions of encryption tools in
order to infect as many victims as possible.
Kaspersky Lab has revealed an advanced
persistent threat (APT) group, nicknamed
StrongPity, which has put a lot of efforts in
targeting users of software designed for
encrypting data and communications.
The StrongPity APT group has been using
watering-hole attacks, infected installers, and
malware for many years to target users of
encryption software by compromising legitimate
sites or setting up their own malicious copycat
Watering hole attacks are designed to lure
specific groups of users to their interest-based
sites that typically house malicious files or
redirect them to attacker-controlled downloads.
The StrongPity APT group has managed to infect
users in Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle
East and targeted two free encryption utilities in
different attacks: WinRAR and TrueCrypt.
WinRAR and TrueCrypt are long popular within
security and privacy conscious users. WinRAR is
best known for its archiving capabilities that
encrypting files with AES-256 crypto, while
TrueCrypt is a full-disk encryption utility that
locks all files on a hard drive.
By setting up fake distribution sites that closely
mimic legitimate download sites, StrongPity is
able to trick users into downloading malicious
versions of these encryption apps in hopes that
users encrypt their data using a trojanized
version of WinRAR or TrueCrypt apps, allowing
attackers to spy on encrypted data before
encryption occurred.
"The problem with people depending on
tools like this isn’t the strength of the
crypto, but more about how it's distributed,"
says Kurt Baumgartner, principal security
researcher at Kaspersky Lab. "This is that
problem that StrongPity is taking advantage
Booby-Trapped WinRAR and
TrueCrypt Downloads
The APT group previously set up TrueCrypt-
themed watering holes in late 2015, but their
malicious activity surged in end of summer
Between July and September, dozens of visitors
have redirected from tamindir[.]com to true-
crypt[.]com with unsurprisingly almost all of the
focus on computer systems in Turkey, with some
victims in the Netherlands.
However, in WinRAR case, instead of redirecting
victims to a website controlled by StrongPity, the
group hijacked the legitimate website
to host a malicious version of the file
The website infected users mostly in
Italy, with some victims in countries like
Belgium, Algeria, Tunisia, France, Morocco and
Cote D'Ivoire, while the attackers controlled site,, infected users in Belgium, Algeria,
Morocco, the Netherlands, and Canada.
Top Countries infected with
StrongPity APT malware
According to Kaspersky, more than 1,000
systems infected with StrongPity malware this
year. The top five countries affected by the
group are Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Algeria and
The StrongPity APT's dropper malware was
signed with "unusual digital certificates," but the
group didn't re-use its fake digital certificates. It
downloaded components include a backdoor,
keyloggers, data stealers and other crypto-
related software programs, including the putty
SSH client, the filezilla FTP client, the Winscp
secure file transfer program and remote desktop
The dropper malware not only provides the
hackers control of the system, but also allows
them to steal disk contents and download other
malware that would steal communication and
contact information.
Therefore, users visiting sites and downloading
encryption-enabled software are advised to
verify both the validity of the distribution
website as well as the integrity of the
downloaded file itself.
Download sites that not use PGP or any strong
digital code signing certificate are required to re-
examine the necessity of doing so for the
benefits of them as well as their own customers,
explained Baumgartner.

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